50 aniversario ESCRBC


Royal Decree 635/2010,of 14 May, regulates at a national level the basic content of higher artistic education of Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage established in Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, on Education.

According to the information note issued by the Ministry of Education after the approval of this Royal Decree at the Council of Ministers on 14 May 2010, the objectives of this regulation are as follows:

  • To determine the content of the higher education courses in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage in the context of the organisation of Spanish Higher Education in the European framework.
  • To define the basic content of the curricula leading to the award of the Graduate Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage.
  • To establish the transversal and general competencies required for the Graduate Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, as well as the specific competencies and professional profiles for each of the specialisations.
  • To establish the basic training subjects and compulsory subjects for each speciality with their corresponding descriptions and number of credits.

This Royal Decree marked the culmination of a long process whose main objective has been to preserve the quality of teaching and guarantee the qualification of future professionals in the field of conservation and restoration, by placing them in a higher education area in line with their own specific level of excellence. After its approval, it became necessary for the Regional Autonomous Governments to develop the specific curricula for each degree and territory.

The current curriculum for Higher Artistic Education in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage for the Community of Madrid came into force with the publication of Decree 33/2011, of 2 June (Official Bulletin of the Community of Madrid of 14 June). From this moment on, our teachings are registered with full rights in the new  Madrid Higher Education Area, which is an innovative commitment to achieve social recognition and excellence in non-university Higher Education. The success of this initiative will require all the support and dissemination that the educational administrations are willing to offer it, at least until it is fully established in society.

Regarding the correspondence of the former ESCRBC degrees within the current Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (MECES), this document provides answers to the most frequent questions.